
Marathon Data Systems supports and provides integrated IT solutions with full specialization and expertise of more than thirty-six (36) years in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). As early as 1983, Marathon Data Systems has introduced to the Greek and Cypriot markets, as the exclusive distributor of Esri, the ArcGIS Geographic Information Systems, as well as other specialized IT products, distinguished for their innovation, high technology, quality and reliability, continuity and consistency in time.

Our company has also pioneered cutting-edge technologies such as:

  • Computer Graphics τη δεκαετία του 1980
  • CAD (η Marathon Data Systems εισήγαγε το πρώτο AutoCAD στην Ελλάδα)
  • Plotters τεχνολογίας pen και inkjet
  • Digitizers tablets και ψηφιακοί πίνακες
  • Digital cameras (η Marathon Data Systems εισήγαγε την πρώτη ψηφιακή φωτογραφική μηχανή στην Ελλάδα)
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Our Values and Principles

Our values define the way we work and interact with our colleagues and partners. Marathon Data Systems makes every effort to faithfully serve the goals and values on which we have established our philosophy and vision:

  • Consistency in our actions
  • Honesty in our relationships with each partner
  • Respect for the needs and demands of our partners
  • Continuous improvement of the quality of the services we provide
  • Provide solutions and applications using innovative technologies
  • We continuously provide information and the know-how to our partners


Quality constitutes an everyday priority and part of Marathon Data Systems’ culture, infusing all activities, from product and service development and provision to supplies, customer and partner relationships, operations, control and continuous improvement.

Our team

The scientific staff of Marathon Data Systems includes executives with full training, professionalism, accumulated experience, but primarily a willingness to cooperate in finding optimal solutions and best practices for our clients.
The staff of Marathon Data Systems covers a wide range of scientific fields, consisting of Geologists, Informatics, Surveyors, Foresters, Environmentalists, Geographers, Biologists, Marketing executives and Economists.

The experience and training of the staff of Marathon Data Systems, are a guarantee of effective and successful implementation of the operational needs of each customer.

Panagiotis PoulopoulosAbout us